Eco-innovations as a vital element of SMEs activity
In the constantly changing business landscape we all need to be modern, progressive, accept new trends, move with the times, and above all meet the challenges of the contemporary world. One of such challenges are environmental issues and understanding the negative effects of development, which translate into pollution of the environment, exhaustion of resources or climate changes. Thus, a modern enterprise needs to be managed in a strategic, market and eco-innovative manner. Contemporary eco-innovations are perceived as a vital element of pro-environmental policy, are indispensable to comply with the requirements of environmental protection and simultaneously build economic competitiveness. Application of eco-innovations improves the results of SMEs activity as it allows for a decrease in the cost of operation through reduced consumption of electricity, water and materials simultaneously improving the efficiency and profitability of actions. It also helps to adjust to ever stricter legal requirements pertaining to environmental protection.
The ECOLABNET network
Nowadays, acquisition of reliable knowledge about eco-innovations is harder than ever before. Therefore, a need exists to provide data on eco-innovative products and services so as to put in touch creators of such solutions with potential recipients. The ECOLABNET network is simply an answer to the lack of professional network for providing counselling services in the scope of eco-products for small and medium-sized enterprises in the Baltic Sea Region. It offers broader access to expert knowledge, new products and services as well as supports competitiveness on the side of small and medium-sized enterprises. ECOLABNET increases the commercialisation potential of various eco-innovations coming from R&D institutions.
Time for the Digital Collaboration Tool
Digital Collaboration Tool (DCT) within the ECOLABNET project is a digital places where R&D units, intermediary organisations and above all small and medium-sized enterprises can meet, regardless of the fact whether they seek for new possibilities or simply maintain good relations with present co-operators working in a given subject scope of eco-innovations. Therefore, the DCT allows to reach proper entities that consider a pro-environmental attitude in their operations, manufacture new products, offer interesting services, and create pro-environmental technologies. This is a wide range of entities as environmental protection covers a number of domains of science and economy and the demand for eco-innovative solutions is growing.
So, if you want to:
– be up-to-date with latest solutions in the scope of eco-innovations,
– learn about eco-innovative solutions that bring measurable effects,
– find new, potential partners or customers,
– get in touch with new customers,
– more effectively involve customers
the developed within the ECOLABNET project digital place of cooperation is just for you.
The DCT is currently being developed. We expect it to be ready et the end of Q2 2021.